8 ways HubSpot will revolutionise your marketing

The marketing environment today is unrecognisable in comparison to its ancestor of 10 years ago.

All businesses have had to change in some respect to keep up. Those who have made the right changes, (the early adopters of the right platforms) have enjoyed rapid growth, whilst many others have been left behind as they cling to dated tactics.

In many cases, and this is critical, businesses understand in theory what they need to do to be successful with inbound marketing, yet, when it comes to putting the methodology into practice, they are either overwhelmed by the process or simply come up short.

What is HubSpot?

The HubSpot CRM is designed specifically to bridge this gap between theory and practical application, offering an entirely comprehensive tool for undertaking the inbound marketing methodology.

In short, HubSpot allows businesses to implement, manage and track all activity within the inbound marketing spectrum through a centralised dashboard.

This means, effective (and constantly tailored) campaigns can be rolled out with minimum fuss, with the approach of both marketing and sales teams growing increasingly streamlined and productive through a more unified approach.

Here are the 8 main marketing benefits of HubSpot…

1. It’s all-encompassing

The magic of HubSpot is that is has everything you’re going to need, all in one place. Plus, the simple intelligence of its user-face makes it all extremely easy to use.

2. All things leads – generation, tracking & nurturing

Lead generation, tracking and nurturing are arguably the most important aspects of your marketing efforts, with growth in these areas meaning business growth overall.

The HubSpot software is fully transparent, allowing you to view all lead activity on your platforms and channels. You can view, track and respond to exactly what each lead is getting up to on your site, how long they stay, where they came from, what caught their interest, etc.

Essentially, this puts you in the privileged position of being able to fully understand your audience and then adapt in response to their needs/wants. Definitely an advantage worth taking.

3. SEO made easy

There’s no denying that SEO is a tricky subject to master. Nonetheless, HubSpot makes it easy.

The HubSpot platform offers a broad range of features that makes the process of dealing with, interpreting, and acting on analytic data as simple as possible. You can track keywords, masterfully format content and get every detail right to make your content and campaigns working for you, boosting the effectiveness of your online presence.

4. Next level social

Any inbound marketing strategy needs a great social media strategy built in.

Without a platform like HubSpot at its core, the day-to-day management of a social media plan can be tiresome, yet without a consistent push in these areas so much of the campaigns overall value is wasted.

By allowing you to schedule posts and tweets in advance, HubSpot social media calendar grants you the peace of mind to know that social is always covered, even when you’re occupied with other areas

5. Adaptability

The measurability HubSpot affords to all areas of your inbound marketing efforts makes everything you do extremely adaptable.

Adaptability is key to maintaining a dialogue with your audience. Through features such as a/b testing, you’re able to see what prospects are engaging with and what they aren’t, meaning you can instantly change course to reflect the trends you see.

There are two key areas where the adaptability of HubSpot comes into its own:

a) Your website

HubSpot takes away the expense usually associated with website updates. Everyone has access, and the platform allows you to make consistent incremental changes to every aspect of your web presence as you learn what is, and isn’t, working for you.

b) Your Campaigns

Again, through the process of measuring, learning, and adapting, you can change up your campaign tactics in real-time, all the time keeping them relevant to the needs/wants of your users/prospects.

6. Fully integrated CRM

HubSpot’s integrated CRM lets you bring together all your online channels into one customer relationship management tool.

This makes it easy to track visitor activity, note trends within lead response, understand audiences through their social medias, and seamlessly communicate with contacts.

7. Analytical prowess

Today, marketing is all about being data-driven. It’s not quite a science, but it’s definitely scientific.

HubSpot accelerates all areas of data collection, painting a clear picture of your wins and losses, and proving the value and ROI of all your efforts.  With so many metrics to use, you can take transparency to a whole new level.

8. Consistent content

Discontented with your current output? With HubSpot you fully actualise your content plan by creating and scheduling blog posts in advance, meaning both the quality and quantity of your output stay consistent.

And there you have it, the 8 main ways HubSpot can make your inbound marketing dreams a reality.

If you need some assistance getting set up, partnering with a HubSpot agency can be a great way to make the transition hassle free. Stay tuned for more insights into how you can get the most out of the HubSpot CRM for your business.

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