Inbound Marketing

Content marketing fails – Five ways to stop making mind-numbing content

The word on the street (or in the bowl) is that the human attention span has fallen to just 8 seconds. With that in mind, I better keep this interesting. Here are our five top tips on how to create content that gets consumed and shared…

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150 150 Charlie
Ten creative ways to generate leads

Ten creative ways to generate leads

In any industry, traditional lead generation methods can only go so far. The days of scraping together lists and sending cold emails are over. Buyers of today want digestible content that adds value to their lives. Offer this, and leads will come to you!

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How to boost revenue from existing clients with Marketing Automation

With the right triggers and appropriate responses in place, marketing automation allows you to skillfully capitalise on often-forgotten existing customers. Here’s what you need to do…

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150 150 Chris

How to turn your website into a lead generation machine

So your website’s probably fine right? It’s there. It does a job. It looks okay. Great. Next. But you should ask yourself, what exactly is it doing for your business? Are you tracking its performance? Is it helping you generate new business? Ultimately, could it be doing more?

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150 150 Charlie